Tuesday 31 May 2011

Save Computers From Internet Virus Lets, Learn Internet Virus Security

As we all are familear with Internet. Internet is a very big bunch of informtions , files , songs, games, softwares. etc. So it is necessary to have some problems with the Internet Files, Games, Softwares, etc. Here thr problems means the corupt files or files that are having virus. This viruses are very much dangerous for our computers. I think that many of you may also be familear with the viruses of PC. So I don't think that there is any need of explaining the term 'Virus' . So now you may be thinking of protecting your computer from the virus. But before this it is necessary for you to know that how many types of viruses are there on Internet and from where do they came to our PC (personal computer)

Some types of viruses:-

  • Boot And Programmer viruses.
  • Email viruses.
  • Website viruses.
  • Worms
  • Trojans
  • Threads
  • Malware. etc.

From where do these virus came from:-

The virus is nothing but a type of file, which is inserted in any files like :- any game file, software or any file. There is no extention name of a virus and these virus are not always visible too, these viruses also reserve some space on your hard disk of your PC. The virus is spread from the files to files means- at first a virus is devloped by someone for any reason and that virus is sended to the other people with in a file. And that virus is spreaded in several files of his computer. Now if someone come to take anything from his computer through any medium like - pen drive, CD, DVD. etc. Then the viruses of his PC has again spread to the other person. So in this way viruses has been spread in the whole world. And I have listened somewhere that the china websites are sending virus to the other clints of their websites. These virsues are very dangerous for our computer. Do you know that what a virus can do? A virus is a very dangerous for a computer and it can damage the hard drive of the computers. 

These viruses are normal virus and common virus. These viruses are almost present in everybody's computer. It is better to keep your computer clean and protect. The best method that I recommend. Anyway ' Do you know th

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