Sunday 5 June 2011

25+ Ways To Make Surfing Fast on Internet

This post is something related to the speed of your Internet. If you Intennet peed is slow and you want to make it fast then you can do it here. Here are many ways through which you can make your Internet Speed, If you are using a slow WIFI connection through your mobile to your PC then you will need some most important softwares and some of the ways that makes the Internet speed better then before. Here I have written this post because I have seen many people suffering from this problem, And many people and my friends has asked me that ' How can I make my Internet speed fast or surfing speed fast'. The surfing speed is the browsing speed that which page do we open.

First of all you must know that what is your ISP (Internet service provider). For example if your ISP is a slow WIFI mobile connection then it will give a slow speed to us. And if you are using a Good Broadband then it will give you a better speed.


1.Delete the Temporary Internet Files, Cookies, History, Browsing DATA, In private Filtering DATA regularly, This will keep your browsing Speed better.
To delete it you will need to First go to the START button tab.

2.The same you'll have to do in your other web browsers like the Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera.etc.

3.Protect from virus and threads, To protect your computers from Viruses and threads you will have to download some INTERNET SECURITY ANTIVIRUS.

4.Simply use browsers like Mozilla Firefox , Google chrome, Opera , safari. etc. To know more about the browsers VISIT HERE.

5.If your CPU is having less then 512 MB of RAM (random excess memory) then you should not open many tabs in you browser, this will make your surfing speed slow. So don't open many tabs at a same time.

6.If you have a slow WIFI connection from your mobile that you use in your PC, and if you want to make the surfing speed fast then you can upgrade it or use some other ISP (Internet Service Provider).

7.One more thing that, If your computer has gone at list 3 years old, and is working as a slow computer then you should renew you RAM or buy it. It is one of the easy and cheap way to increase the speed of your computer. And as the computer is working fast then your surfing will also be done fast.

8.I must suggest you all that if you are using a web browser like Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc. Then you can Install the adblock addon and noscript addon, These are the things that will allow you to see whatever you want in any webpage, Instead of loading all the things of a webpage. So this will save your time as well as it will also serf fast.

9.Friends, one more Important way to Increase Surfing speed of your Internet is turning off graphics in Windows Internet Explorer. This is a thing which will not allow you to see any graphic Image of any website. This will help you to load the web page fast. Because as the Images are present of the web pages then it takes time to get loaded. So if you want to make  loading fast then you can put the graphics off.

10.Do some basic Improvement to your computer. Such as you can download registry booster.

11.Use software's like Net Boosters. That will keep your Internet surfing speed average.

12.If you have many computers inter connected through a LAN (Local area network) Then make shure that all computers are connected in a write manner and also see if any computer is affected or not, This is mostly Important in a Star topology network in which computers are connected through a main computer. So it is important to check the main computer regularly.

13.If you have any problem with your ISP (Internet service provider). Mean when you buy that product and they say that this much of perticular speed you will get and you are not 
getting that much of speed, then you must contact your ISP provider.

14.If you are using a dial-up Internet connection then don't think that this will give you a fast Internet connection only some fast surfing can be done by following the above tips. So It will be better for you to use a modem or any broadband connection. 

15.You can use Firefox and Opera as your browser and there is a option in both to disable Images, means that will not show any Images to the web page.

16.You can also use a browser software named 'Loband' for yourfast  surfing. You can get this software from Lo . And in this software your browser will not display any Image on the web page.

17.Use an up to date anti-virus. And always scan your computer regularly because some time. Some time viruses eat up your bandwidth. And make your Internet connection slow.

Now I have a Internet connection with 3.1 MBps approx (BSNL modem) This is a wireless modem and gives a good speed. At frist I was having a slow WIFI connection in my computer in the year 2009 and it gives a very slow Internet speed then I collected some of the Informations to make it as a better speed but after trying I could not make much faster speed of my computer, but some Improvements must have taked place with my Internet connection and this Improvements has been occure due to the following things that i have listed above. But I was needing a very fast Internet connection, because I never like anything slow. So I buyed a new Broadband connection to make my Internet Speed Fast. Now the morel of this paragraph is to make you understand that a slow WIFI connection can never be cnverted in a fast internet connection the Speed of the Internet connection will always the same but the Surfing can be done faster with the above tips, So you can not convert your slow Internet connection to a faster one, for this you will have to buy a faster Internet connection.

When the computers internet surfing speed goes slow :-

  • If your computer has gone at list 3 years old.
  • If you have a slow WIFI connection from your mobile.
  • If you don't have any upgraded browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome, Opera, Safari.etc.
  • When some virus and threads attacks your computer.
  • When you have less RAM in your CPU.

All of the above will make the surfing fast not the internet connection speed fast. To make your Internet speed fast you'll have to upgrade your ISP to a new one and faster one. You can use a 3G connection for your PC or any wireless modem, to make your Internet speed fast. 

There is one more thing about knowing your Internet connection. If you think that your Internet connection is slow, so now you can check that 'is there any problem with your Internet connection. All you need to do is follow these steps that are Given below :-

1. Go to the ' Start Button of your desktop '

2. Click on 'run'

3. Now you have to type 'cmd' only there should not be any commas or anything with it.

4. Now you have to type 'netstat -b 5> activity.txt'

5. Now it will take some time about a minute or about it, hold down Ctrl and press C. Now this process will create a file with a list of all the disputes of your Internet connection.

6. Now you must be thinking to open this file, So to open this file you have to type 'activity.txt' to view the programme list.

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