Sunday 12 June 2011

10 Attention before connecting your PC with Internet

The Important things that you should do before connecting your PC with Internet...

Friends, if you want to connect your computer through the Internet then you will have to be attention and save because at the first time there are many problems to connect a computer through Internet, I have heard somewhere that there are 50% of chances to be getting problem in your software or hardware. I have already suffered from this problem, In the 2008 I connect my mobile WIFI connection through my computer and after just a few days I got to know that my DVD- ROM has been corrupted, in my DVD -ROM the DVD's were not being read only CD's were reading the my PC. Then I visit to the shop for it's preparing and they told me that this is all due to the adding of new hardware in your computer, and I guessed that the hardware is my mobile. Anyhow this was the problem of my mobile, but you will have to be save and protected. So below I have listed many ways that can help you to connect the Internet connection in your PC. All you need to do is just follow the Instructions that are given below :-

1. Friend's at frist I will suggest you that to check your Antivirus whether it is updated or not. You should Install an antivirus. There must be Internet security Antivirus so that it will protect your PC with different types of vires , torjans , threads .etc. that comes from the Internet. You can use the best Internet security antivirus like - Avira , Biddiffender, Avast, AVG, Quick hill, etc. These are some of the antivirus that will protect your PC with the Internet. Because some Detection of viruses can also cause the Internet connection slow. So it will be better for you to keep a best antivirus and updated too.

2. Secondly, I would like to tell you that Remove the promotional apps from your PC. The promotional apps  are those things that which is something to register something or anything. Like when you will not have a genuine window or you have a old version of windows or a copied versions of windows in your PC then it will ask you to updae it or buy it from any where like a microsoft website. So this is the ppromotional apps  of your computer , so I suggest you to remove this promotional apps from your PC. It will help your Internet connection as well as your PC. There is also another example of promotional apps that is the "trial software's" the trial software are the softwares which will always ask you to update after overing it limited time period. So minimise the use of the trial software as much as possible.

3. Friends, before you connect your computer through the Internet , then you also have to install the latest version of your favorite anti-virus software. You can use a simple antivirus that is good for our computer and does not involves any type of big amount of money. I also use a simple and low cost antivirus. I use Quick hill antivirus, this is a awesome antivirus but can damage you softwares just in seconds, but I have some protection to it so I am no more uncomfortable to use it. Any how leave it. You can also use some other security applications like - AdAware, Microsoft Defender, Spybot Search & Destroy .etc. This are very good softwares you shold you these one.

4. There are also some of the advertising things or softwares like ISPs (Internet service providers)  advertisements or any other types of advertisments. So you will have to put the ad - on off. You can do this by going in the control pannel tab of your start bar.

5. Friends, if your computer have drivers softwares ( that are used for running the computers applications) then you will have to keep it updated. You have to install the updated drivers like SVGA( graphics driver) , or AUDIO (sound driver) etc. If you have not installed it then I suggest you to Install the updated version of these driver softwares.

6. One Important thing that you should do, If you are any user of windows XP then you should Turn on a software firewall before start browsing Internet on your computer. A software is there named "Zone Alarm " You can also use this software as an alternative third-party software firewall or anyother.

7. You can also make your own user account with password, this will allow you to be save full and security full for your your administrator account. This will help you in some case when a software that is not appropriate for you while using Internet then it will not allow for the permision to be used in the other user account. So make your user account and password now for your betterment of your PC.

8. Friends, you can also make a system restore point. As you all are famliear with the system restore point, so you should create a system restore point, this will help your computer to be protected if any disputs attack your PC and now you can restore your computer if you think that there is any problem in my PC. If you don't know that how to create a system restore point then you will learn it here just below :-

  • Step one open system restore point in the system properties. At fourth option there will be the tab of system protection just like the picture given below :-

  • Click on the create option as suggested in the snap above.

  • Now when you will click on this option then you will see a new appearing tab like this :-

In this Image above you will see an example at the place of writing name at that place you can write anything that you want ant then you will have to click on the create option that is marked with the red color.

Now you have created your system restore point.

9. Now if you don't have created a system restore point and something new problem comes to your PC then it will be better for you to system restore. This will solve your all problems of your PC automatcly and restore it as it was before. By doing this all disputs in the PC get resolved and again you will be able to enjoy your PC just like before without fotmatting it from any other windows. If you don't know that how to restore system then I have putted below all the ways to restore system all you need to do is to follow the steps I have listed below :-

  • Firstly go to the start bar. An Image has been displayed above. :-

  • Now the new tab will appear like this :-

  • Click on the next button as suggested in the Image above.

  • Now after clicking on next you will again see the Image like this :-

  • Now click on finish, You have completed the Installation successfully.

10. Install appropriate softwares only in your PC. Because when you will remove those inappropriate softwares then it will cover some space of your hard disk and it also make the speed of your PC some what slow, this mainly happens in the older PCs but there is a solution to this problem. I use a software named "Registry Booster" It scans the registry errors, and make the computer good and protect the PC by getting it slow. So it will be better for you to download this software and download this software you can visit here - or you can also download it by searching it in . Any how after downloading it you will need to install it and then you have successfully completed this process.

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