Tuesday 4 October 2011

Top 6 Searching Tips and learn the art of framing search queries.

Top 6 Searching Tips, which will make you, learn the art of framing search queries. 

1. Do not ask questions while searching any kind of information. For example – if you want to find about the richest person in the world and you should not type

“Who is the richest person in the world? “

In this manner you are asking a question and then you may get many lists of your searches and the most are the useless. Do you why does this happen? Friends, as I told you above that how search engine works, it works by searching for each word in the search box that you have written separately. That is in case you searching will search all the words that you have written for searching and thus you will not get the proper match to you search and then you will fail in getting the proper information on the internet.

2. As we are familiar with that how does the search engine works, it works by searching all words in different sentences on the internet as explained in the above point. So it is quite difficult to obtain the accurate result for our searching queries. So an important thing to search a sentence on internet with the help of search engine you can put “+” sign in front of every word so that it will search as the whole sentence on internet. For example –

then your search engine will search for all the words present in this sentence and thus you will be unsuccessful to get a helpful answer for you from the search engine. So you will have to search this sentence by putting a sign of + before all the words this like this

+Top +information’s +for +making +money +on +Internet +100% +guaranteed +and +true…” and this will give you an answer which match all the words in a single sentence.

3. Friends, above was the example to search the sentence which contain all the words written by us in the search queries. Now you will see opposite of it. You can also specify that word or phrase must not appear in matched documents means the sentence for which you are searching for should not match all the words in a single sentence. For example if you want to search about country “ India and US” and you don’t want the these words should match the sentence which contain both the word India and US then you can put a sign (-), which is a minus sign and this will led you to search your queries in different sentence. Or in simple words it means then sentence you are searching should not contain the words in same sentence. And one more important thing is that you should put the minus (-) sign immediately before the word. An example is given below –

“+India – US” then there will separate both the words in the search queries.

4. To search and get the accurate result from your search engine you can put your words or the sentence for which you are searching in some kind of sign or in some quotes, you can also put some punctuation mark (;-) if you want to be treated as single phrase rather than series of individual search terms. Here is an example that will make you clear this

If you want search for the a title of a famous movie “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” then you can search it in your search engine like this –

“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow”

Or Harry - Potter - and - the - Deathly - Hallows

Or Harry; Potter; and; the; Deathly; Hallows

This will make your search more exactly.

5. Now you should know about the case – sensitive or not case – sensitive. The lower case words like “amit” matches are not at all case – sensitive and on the other hand the upper case words are case – sensitive which makes your search exactly. For example if you want to search for “programming” then you can have problem in getting the accurate answer because it will match with all those words which start from programme or programmes or pro or gram or programming, So there are more chances of getting inexact answer in this case.

And if you write “PROGRAMMING” then it will only search the word which contain the word “PROGRAMMING” thus it will search the accurate word that you need.

6. Now one more important thing is that is very necessary for you to know and that is using the wildcard (*) for pattern matching. Below I have given an example that will make you clear and help you to become a perfect searching master.

If you want search for anything that starting from pro, then you can write “pro*” in your searching place or box of your search engine and then this will make you to get all those results that starts from the word pro. There are many words which start from the pro for example – programme, programmes, programming language and a lot. So you will get all the relevant options for your search queries. This type of style can be used when you don’t know the exact spelling of the word for which you are going to search. So this was all about the searching and becoming perfect in searching the information in the search engine.

Now you will get me again with some interesting information about the internet in the next post of my blog. Hope this article must have helped you.


  1. Thanks for sharing such an informative post. Learning and Development India programs in any form are definitely a boon for the learners.

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