Tuesday 23 August 2011

Top information’s for Making money on Internet 100% guaranteed and true..

Top information’s for Making money on Internet 100% guaranteed and true...

This post is somewhat longer; I added links to different sections of this article, so you can easily skip ahead to the section you want…

  • Making Money on Internet Introduction
  • Get ready to make money on Internet
  • You can also do it with
  • Writing articles
  • Designing
  • Increasing Traffic
  • Publishing ads networks
  • Affiliate marketing programmes
  • Sell your blog or website

So start your self here and read everything one after one...

Making money on Internet is very exciting thing and also liked by everyone. Many people wants to earn money from Internet but about 90% of them remain unsuccessful because making money on Internet is not an easy task. There are a lot of ways to make money on Internet, as Internet is an exciting medium allowing us to access to information on many topics, to communicate with our friends and business, providing us a lot of facilities like shopping, ticket booking etc. So here people can also earn money with using their skills and techniques. There are a lot of ways to earn money one internet. The best way to earn money on Internet is to earn money from a website or a blog. The website and the blog are different from each other. The blog is usually free of cost and is managed by a single people. Or a website is not free of cost, it requires some money to make a website and the money depends on the webhost of your website from where you buy your domain name. Anyhow many people move to earn money from the blog, as it is free of cost. But note that before starting here to earn money from blog or a website you will have to be attention and do not take it casually because it is very hard. And only do this if you are sure that you can do hard work.

So, if you are ready to start your first step towards earning money online with a website or a blog then my best wishes are with you.
The first step that you should do is “select that from which one you want to earn money either from a website or from a blog”. I would prefer you that start your first step with a blog that is free of cost. Now you need a platform that from where you will make your blog. There are many websites that make our blog free of cost. I would prefer you to use the blogger.com or wordpress.com to make your free blog. There are many more websites that makes free blog like – tumblr.com , etc. Now after visiting here all you need to do is to register on these websites and make your free blog. But note that making free blog will not provide you your owndomain.com if will be something like youraddress.blogspot.com, youraddress.wordpress.com or youraddress.tumblr.com these address does not look very much professional but it’s good because free is never better. Or if you want your owndomain.com then you will have to pay some rent for it. And you can also buy your owndoamin.com at these websites also blogger.com or wordpress.com the blogger.com will charge you only $10 for a year or the wordpress.com will charge you $17 for a year. You can select any one of these both website. But the blogger.com is much better than wordpress.com. There is one more option for you if you are willing to make a website, I would suggest you to buy a domain name of cheap cost and you can buy your own domain name at a small cost on GoDaddy.com, Bigrock.in etc. These websites is the cheapest for buying a domain name. And if you have no experience of having a website or if you have not managed a website before then it will be better for you if you use free website. Actually a website is something hard to manage in the comparison of a blog. A website will have some now things that is necessary to be understand so I will prefer you to use free website in which free control panel is provided with database. If you are going to buy your own domainname.com then it will be something difficult to manage it. So if you are interested in making your website or to earn from your website then buying the domain name was the first step. If you are thinking that buying your own domain name is enough then here you are wrong. So if you had bought your domain name like youraddress.com then the second step that you will have to do is that you will have to map your own domain to your hosting server and then you can create your own website which will be accessible using youraddress.com.

 While selecting the hosting server I would prefer you to use HostGator.com. There is a special thing in HostGator that is you can make install your wordpress blog theme directly in it, and it is also the cheapest hosts. Friends, don’t think that this is only a webhosting server, there are many more hosting server like – BlueHost.com, DreamHost, MediaTemple etc.
You can also create website using joomla, wordpress using one click installer.

For Example: Fantistico, This way you will have your owndomain.com and you can now start doing whatever you want to do. Anyhow we were on the topic earning money from website or blog. So if you have your own blog or website then you will need to write some contents in it.

Now after making your own website or blog you have to write articles or posts on it. This is the most difficult part of making a blog to earn money. Before writing articles you have to select a single and a better topic for your blog on which you know the best and write a lot of contents on your blog. Content writing is most important, If you want to earn money from your blog. And if you have good contents on your blog there will be more chance to get selected in those earning money programmes from blog. And it will also let to the traffic of your blog. As more as the traffic of your blog or website increases the more chance is developed to earn money. So write more positive contents as much as possible and always give the write information on your website. If you are making your blog to earn money then your will have to be attention and do not copy and paste articles on your website or blog. If you will copy and paste your website or blog contents then you will not be able to get selected in publishing ads networks that provides much earning to the blog. Always write original contents don’t write fake contents. There are many ads publishing networks like Google AdSence, Chitika, Clicksor, Bidvertiser, Advertising365.com and a lot of websites that provides us earning through publishing ads on our websites. Here is Google adsence which is a very famous and very big publishing programme this programme does not accept such websites which have copy pasted content, fake content or having any type of adult contents. So if you want to make your blog to earn from Google AdSence then you have to save you blog contents from these things. Making your website or blog contents to earn money you have to write at list 15-20 posts on your blog and every post must be written within same period of time. For example if you have a blog created in May 2010 and you have written 20 posts in the month of May after that you have stopped writing posts for a long period of time and again written 25 posts in the month of April 2011 then there will be some difficulty to make your blog select in some good ads publishing networks.

So write only original contents on your blog if you want to earn money from your blog. I had already told you that earning money from blog is not very easy. I would suggest you to write on the topic which are famous and which are searched very much by everyone like – study material, games, movies, songs, jobs, earning money etc. When you will choose the topics from those that are listed above then there would be more chance to get traffic on your blog or website.


Now if you have completed writing articles on your website then you have to design it with different web designing tools like HTML, CSS etc. If you are using a blog then there will be some gadgets that will help you to look your blog more professional and beautiful. And if you are willing to accept your blog in Google AdSence programme then you website or blog should comply the Google webmaster tools. Designing a website is also one of the difficult parts to make a successful blog or website to earn money. To design your website all you need to do is learn the web programming language. In learning web programming language you will have to learn the basic HTML, CSS, MySql, Database, PHP etc. To learn all these web programming language you can visit here. This blog is an awesome blog containing all information about web programming language; you can get training for free here its awesome blog.

Increasing Traffic

After designing your blog or website one more step you should do that is increasing the traffic of your website or blog. Traffic means the visitors who visit you website or blog. It is also the important part for making a website or blog to earn money. The more people visit your website or blog the more traffic is increased and the more you earn money. An example is here – If your blog or website has publishing ads networks like Google ads or any other ads. Then a visitor visit your blog or website and get something interesting in the ads of your website and he clicked on the ad of your website then you will get some commission, this way your earning is also made and the visitors will be happy and visits your blog many times or he will tell his friends about your blog. So if the traffic of your website or blog is good then you can earn a lot of money. There are many ways to increase the traffic of your website or blog. You may do partnership with many other websites to publish a link of your website on his website and in revenge you will also have to publish a link of his website on your website or blog, this way is free of cost. Or otherwise you can also advertise your website on the Google or on many other advertising networks. To advertise your website on Google you will have to sign up for the Google Adward here and in this way your website will be listed on Google pages or on other websites who are publishing ads on their website by participating in Google AdSence programme. And there are many more advertising networks like Chitika.com, Clicksor.com, Infolinks.com, fastclick.com etc. And also note that these website also provide publishing space for publishers to earn money.

Now it’s chance to come on “earning money with your website or blog”. There are a lot of ways to earn money from the website or a blog. The first way I would prefer you is to participate in publishing ads networks. The publishing ads networks allow us to publish ads of other website on our website or blog and this way you can earn money by getting click on the ads of your website or blog. Whenever a visitor come to your website or blog and click on the ads of your website then you will get some revenue for it. And the revenue is depended on web publishing network. There are a lot of website which allow us to publish ads and to earn money, some of such website are Google AdSence, TribalFusion.com, text-link-ads.com, Chitika.com, Bidvertiser.com, Clicksor.com, AdClickMedia.com, AdBrite.com, ValueClick.com, Kontera.com, Advertising365.com, Adversal.com and many more. The best publishing ads network I will prefer you is the Google AdSence. Well it is very difficult to get selected for Google AdSence but you can do it by just doing some hard work with your website or blog. Google Adsence is awesome publishing ad network, it is a CPC ad network, and it pays the publisher some commission of that revenue which the advertisers pay them. You can withdraw the amount you have earned when your account balance will reach $100. It also places the ads on our website according to the contents of our website. If you are blogger user then you can display the Google ads on the side, bottom and top of your webpage with the help of gadgets, it’s really very nice place for the ads. I would also prefer you another Ad publishing network that you can use with the Google AdSence ads that is Chitika. This also allows us to publish ads on our website or blog and it is also good ad publishing network. It has two stages, first is the silver level ads and the second is the golden level ads. The golden level ads are much better than the silver level ads and it also gives much earning in the comparison of the silver level ads. But it is somewhat difficult to be getting selected in golden level ads. If you get selected in the golden level ads then you can have some special ads from other countries which provides a lot of earning if one the ad of your website get clicked. When you will apply for chitika as a publisher then it will reply you on your Email within 2-5 days. And in this Email you will get to know that whether your blog or website has been selected for publishing ads programme or not. So, if once your blog or website will be selected then it’s a nice chance for you to earn money. And if you have not been selected in these ads publishing programme then you can try for other ads publishing programmes that are listed above.
Now this was only the way to earn money by publishing ads on our website or blog. There are also many more programmes through you can earn money. You can participate on affiliate marketing programmes.

Affiliate marketing programmes is the programme in which we have to make a costumer for buying anything or any product of the other website from our website or blog. Means we have to refer a people to buy this thing from our website and in this way the product owner will give some amount of commission that the product buyer gives him. The marketing can be done for anything for example for buying Software’s, Games, Tickets, Buying flat, Books, Going to any tour etc. And now you may be thinking that from where we get the platform to do this marketing. There are many websites which provides the service for affiliate marketing some examples of such websites are Amazon’s Affiliate, Link connector, HYaffiliate, ClickBank, HotelCombined, Google Affiliate Programme, Flexoffers, Jetlite.com etc. All these websites have good affiliate marketing programme you can also earn from these websites. Here the Google Affiliate Programme is also and good affiliate programme but it only select those websites which have already been selected in the Google AdSence programme. Without having a Google AdSence email you can’t participate in this Google Affiliate Programme. So make your website as better so that it can be selected in Google AdSence Programme then you can enjoy earning money from the Google Affiliate Programme. So this was all about the affiliate programming, you can also do much more to earn money from you blog or website.

Sell your blog or website
Selling a blog or website is also a simple way to earn money very soon. In selling your website or blog you will have to make a perfect blog or website so that it can be liked by the blog buyer or the website buyer. If you are selling your blog then it should be liked by the website to which you are selling. There are some requirements that you should complete to sell your blog or website. The requirements depend on the website which is going to buy your blog or website. There are many websites who buy the blog or website some example of such website are BuyBlogReviews.com, LinkFromBlog.com, SponsoredReviews.com, TheBlogBuyer.com, SellMyBlog.com, Sellmyblog.net, NamePros.com, Publishmyarticles.com etc. These websites buy the best blogs to gives us revenue for our blog. The BuyBlogReviews.com and LinkFromBlog.com gives us money on per post of our blog. These are nice blog buying websites but there are some requirements that you should complete to sell your blog. Some of them need the Paypal email id for the transfer of money to us. And the money that you will get after selling your blog depends on your blog. If your blog is very nice then you will get big amount of money if not then you will get small amount of money or if your blog is too bad then they can also reject your blog. I would say that you should only sell your blog if you are getting unable to earn money from all these steps that I have listed above.

Thank's for Reading it. Hope this article must have helped you.

Saturday 13 August 2011

Google Translate; Write in Different 64 Languages of world. Have you used yet?

Welcome friends, here is the most interesting thing that you will must like. But before proceeding I would like to ask you that

Can you write directly in any language of the world?

Can you listen any language directly in which you want to listen want?

Can you “Read phonetically” in any language you want?

Simply can you translate any language in that language you want?

If you are able to answer all these questions then it is very much good. But many of the answers from you will be no. Because all these things you have to do on Internet, not my using any kind of software or installing it. All these things can be done simple on internet. So you may think that how much interesting it would be. And you can do it easily with the Google Translate.

 I also like Google Translate very much. The Google Translate it is a very much interesting thing and also very much knowledgeable for us. You should also use the Google translate to know about all the languages on the internet. Do you know that the Google translate provide you to convert the language into 64 different languages of the world. The internet has a lot of interesting thing. This is also a very interesting thing by Google. This is used to translate the other languages into those languages which we know appropriately. It is very good. Here is a video which will help you to success in this process of translating from the starting point to the last point. So must watch this video.

Now here I have listed all things by step to step that will help you to do this.

First step is to visit here. And then there will be seen a page like this image-

There are two options at the top of the page one is “From” and the second is “To” so here you have to select the language from which you want to convert the language and in “To” you have to select the language in which you want to convert the language. So it’s very simple to use. I will suggest you to do this work now if you have not done it before.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

How To Note Your Website Visitors, Total Visits or Online People, Site Hits?

Friends, so here we will again discuss on a new topic the topic is already mentioned above as the title of the post. You will know here that how to have a website hit counter on your website. This can only be done if you have a website or a simple page on Internet. You can have your website or page very easily. To make your website you can have a visit here on the other post of this blog here. This post will provide you information’s about making your website or a blog. Now if your want to do this experiment on a page then you can also do it by visiting here. This place will provide you to make your free page at Google and this is very interesting with many exiting features, I like making such kind of pages at Google. Well after visiting here follow the guidelines and then you can make your page free of cost and this will also provide you to do work with the site hit counter.

Now if you have owned your page or website then you can easily do it. Here you will know about a website through which you can do it very easily. The website is HiStars.com this will provide you a site hit counter on your website and to get all you need to do it to paste the code given by then on your website. After pasting the code on your website, blog or page you will get the site hit counter at your website or page. So overall it’s very easy to do all you need to sign up for the website here. And after following the steps suggested by them you can easily have your own site hit counter at your website or your page. So you have got it very easily. Now if you want to do this task very easily on blogger then also you can do it.

Install your site hit counter at your blogger blog.

Inserting the site hit counter at blogger is very easy it involves nothing all you need to so it just inserts a gadget in your blogger blog. If you are a blogger user then you should have known about the features of the blogger and its gadgets. It is very simple to insert the gadget in your blogger blog all you need to do it just go to Dashboard then Design and then Add a Gadget not you will see a new tab occurred like this

And then if it is not adder in your blog then you will not need to click on the + button at right site or it will not be shown. But if it is not added then you need to click on the + button at the right side to add the gadget. So you have done it and learnt that how to add site hit counter at your website, blog or page, best of luck.