Wednesday 20 July 2011

Must have a free platform for training before making your own paid website.

Welcome to this post of my blog. Well this post contains information’s and learning “for making a free blog or site that will help you to learn and get ready to make your own website or blog.” It may have some risk if you make your paid website or blog without having training of making some free blog or website. So why to have some risk. Here is example that how is risky for you – If you don’t have any experience before making a website and you have buy your own domain name by paying money. Then your money will be wasted because making a website for your own or for earning money is not an easy task. There are many steps that you should do to have experience of making a beautiful website. Before making your own paid website or blog, you will have to take training on the other websites that provides a free service of making a free website or a free blog.

Making a free website

Well making a free website is not risky because here we are not involving our money. And it is free of cost. But making a free website or a free blog doesn’t provide a good domain name or your own domain name like it will provide some different king of website or a blog address. It has also some fewer features and fewer options in the comparison of a paid website. But as it is free of cost so it is better, well here you will learn about controlling and managing the database. But this option is only provided in those webhost which provides control panel in it. And control panel is not found in every websites that provides a free of cost websites. There are only some few websites which provides control panel hosting for free, but these are also not having much features. There is a list of those websites which provides a free website with the control panel.

Well these are the websites which provides a free website with control panel. See how interesting it is for making a free website. You just need to signup of anyone of these and do the provided suggesting then you can have your own free website. You can here choose your first name of the website address and the last name will be given by the website after a dot (.). For example – if you are signing up on the then you will get the website address like this “ you can replace the name amitupadhyay with anything you want because this was just an example to show you that which type of website address you will get by signing up for making a free website. Well this is a better way to have a experience to make a website. In the way that I have listed above doesn’t provide the website access directly there you will have to make your account in any of the three website that I have listed above and then after proceeding towards to the next step they will give you a username to have access in your control panel account and then you will have to login in there then you can launce your free website and manage your database and so on. You can also convert it into the pro after having the experience of making and designing a website, and then you can also make you email id like it’s always depend on your web host.

Well this was the way for making a website through a control panel access now friends, do you know that there are many more ways to make a free website directly and editing it easily. And friends while making such websites you not many need any type of special kind of web programming language to edit it. It is very simple to make a free website and launce it and also editing is also very simple. The websites which provides such kind of services are given below.

And so on. I have also many such type of website. One example of my website in is this website has been created in the May of 2010. And it has some of my snaps. Well it doesn’t allow us to edit through HTML and other web programming language without converting it into the paid version. is also a very good website to make a free website. I like it because it has a lot of themes and designs, which make our website to look better. I have also been experienced to it. Not only this, I have made at most more than 20 free websites in different types of websites which provides a service to make a free website. It has been a very well experience for me. I have many free websites. Well I will not prefer you to join these types of websites to make your free website because these websites doesn’t train us in the right manner so that we can become capable to make our paid website. So go with the first method that I have mentioned above, to have a perfect training for making a website. And there are many more options to learn making a website that are having a coaching at someplace this will involve some money. But as we all know that “something is to be losing to gain anything”.

Friends, we know that making a blog can also profit us in earning money. But don’t think that making a blog to earn money is very easy, because it involves a lot of things to make a perfect blog so that you can earn money easily. Well you need some platform to have a free blog. Those are.

These two websites are very much famous for making a free blog. It is very much features and popular also, there are many people who have their own free blog. So this is the right place for you to have a training to make your free blog. So enjoy these websites by making your free blog. After making your blog and writing articles in it, you will get some experience that will help you to make a beautiful blog.

Saturday 16 July 2011

All Information's about the connections of Internet.

Connectivity of Internet

Connectivity of internet is the most important step for everyone, If you want to do surfing through your PC, then you will have to connect your PC through the Internet. This connection of internet through PC is called the connectivity of Internet. It is most important to know the types of Internet connection. Now many of you will be unknown from the "types of internet connection" and "what does Internet connection mean?" The Internet connection mean that a connection through which we can surf the internet in our PC, mobile or anything. This is a medium of surfing of internet on our PC, mobile, etc. Before you start surfing on your computer you'll have to be connected through the Internet. So now you will need to do a Internet connection through any device like from mobile, wireless modem or broadband, broadband + or from your land line connection. In all you need a Internet connection and you also have to know that which type of internet connection I should create. There are types of internet connection. The types of internet connection are listed below: -

1. Broad band connection.
2. Dial-up connection.
3. Wi-Fi connection.

These are the three types of Internet connection, and these connections are used to surf internet in computers. And there are many more parts and sub parts of this Internet connection. You will know everything about the Internet connection here.

Firstly, we will classify the Broad band connection.
Broad band connection: - The Broad band connections are given by our ISP (Internet service provider) and these connections are fast, goods and easy to use. This type if connection is fast and reliable but this broadband connection is not available in all the areas. The Broad band connection or service has also many types of connections there are: -

1. Cable Modem.
2. DSL (digital subscription like).
3. Satellite.

All the names listed above are the types of networks, so it has not been classified here
Now secondly the “Dial-up Connection”
2. Dial-up connection: - The Dial-up connection is the connection done by any device like the telephones, cable modems etc. This connection requires any device that is connected in our home to anything like, Telephones, or cable in our TVs, etc. This dial-up connection do not give a fast speed to surf internet, in fact this connection gives the slowest Internet speed in the comparison of all the other Internet connection. In this connection there are two types through which it is connected. The types are the “ANALOG” and “DIGITAL”. These two are the signals that are used to convert the telephone service to internet service. Now know the step briefly.

Firstly there is a “Telephone line” in your city and a “Telephone” in your house. The telephone of your home is connected through the Telephone line in your city. So now this makes the complete connection with the telephone and you can work easily with your telephone. Now it comes that what makes the telephone get connected through the PC and surf on it, this is requires the both signals that I have listed above, those two signals are “ANALOG” and “DIGITAL”. I think that many of you are not familiar with these signals. Anyhow when your telephone is connected through the telephone line, then this is done by a signal named “analog” and if you want to connect Internet through telephone, then you will have to buy a modem. This modem you can buy or get form your telephone connector, and this modem converts the “ANALOG” signal to the “DIGITAL” signal. And now you can surf internet in your computer, with the help of this modem. Below is a diagram that will describe you that how you can connect Internet in your PC through the telephone.

Below is a figure that will describe you this system.

This was the whole process through which we can connect Internet to our computers through the landline of your home. Now this was all the Dial-up connection. Now you will move to the Wi-Fi connection.

Wi-Fi Connection: - The Wi-Fi Connection is the connection of Internet which is done by mobile to the computers. This connection is also not very much fast but it may be fast. The speed of this Internet connection depends on the mobile (handset) or on the service provider. So if you have a better mobile phone having 3-G, or 4-G connection then you can easily surf faster on Internet, it’s a nice thing and I also prefer this connection. I have a 3-G connection in my handset with TATA DOCOMO service, which helps me serf fast Internet. For doing this Wi-Fi Connection you have to do some setting with your PC suit software. Usually in a Wi-Fi Connection the mobile phone will have PC suit software that you need to install in your computer. And after Installing this software you will have to do some setting that are different in different service provider.
There are many service providers known as “SIM” which helps to connect us through the Internet. And there are also different settings for different “SIM”. Below I have listed settings of some famous “SIM” of India. They are BSNL, Airtel, Reliance, TATA Docomo, IDEA, and Vodafone. Now the settings are as follows.

BSNL connection – (Speed – 60-100 kbps) AND 3G speed – up to 384 kbps)
Profile Name- BSNL internet access (It can be any name you want)
Access Point Name (APN) – bsnlnet (in small letters)
Dial-up no. or call no. - *99***1#

Airtel Connection - (Speed – 14.2 – 21.2 kbps)
Profile Name – Airtel Internet Access
Access Point Name (APN) - (small letters)
Dial-up no. or call no. - *99***1#

Reliance Connection – (Speed – 28 kbps)
Profile Name – Internet Access
Access Point Name (APN) – smartnet (in small letters)
Dial-up no. or call no. - *99#

IDEA connection
Profile Name - Idea Internet Access
Access Point Name (APN) – internet (small letters)
Dial-up no. or call no. - *99#

Vodafone Connection
Profile Name - Vodafone  Internet Access
Access Point Name (APN) – www (small letters)
Dial-up no. or call no. - *99#

TATA Docomo Connection (Speed – 32 – 52 kbps)
Profile Name TATA Docomo Internet
Dial-up no. or call no. - *99***1#

NOTE: If you have any other service provided or “SIM” then you can contact your customer care representative at your customer care number. And the Dial- up no. may be different in different mobile phones these are the common one.

NOTE: To know the APN or DIAL UP number of your mobile “comment below about information’s you want to know.

Saturday 2 July 2011

Do you know all best interesting stuffs on Internet to become popular between your friends?

A question from you - 

Do you know all best interesting stuffs on Internet to become popular between your friends?

Yes, this question is for you my dear reader. If you want to become popular between your friends, then do you know all the best and important sites that will help you to become popular between your friends? Here you will know the important sites that will make you more popular between your friends and you will also learn to be different from your friends so that they can say with proud that yes he or she is my friend. I think that almost everyone wants to become popular and a unique special peace between their friends. So here you will learn all those creative sites that will make you more proud to yourself. Do something creative and special in your life because it only comes a single time. As we all know that Internet is the bunch of different kind of sites that are having different king of service. Here service means the thing or the knowledge that internet is providing us. Well there are many places on Internet to learn a lot of things on internet and do something unique.

I have seen many people who are having the knowledge but they can’t express it in front of others. For example in a class a child knows a lot of things about a given topic but he is not willingly to speak in front of his class mate or in front of the school or he or she is not able to collect that much of power that is needed to speak something in front of others. Well this problem is with many people, but this does not mean that they are the losers. They can do many things when they are alone and they will do all these things on Internet. Yes, Internet is the place where they are alone and they can do anything freely that they want to do. They can use their super talented knowledge in Internet. So here you will know all those important knowledgeable websites that will help you to become more creative. The internet is having many sites through you can make your time pass and do something creative or unique from all those things that is done by many peoples.

I would say many people use social networking websites who know the simple use of the internet like reading emails and sending emails. The most popular social networking website is the Facebook this website is a social networking website and also the first thing that many people learn on Internet.

The Social networking website Facebook

So friends, many people use facebook. In India there are almost 290,000,000 users of facebook. I got to know this information from facebook when I made a survey for advertising my page of facebook. The thing that people do on facebook is to sign it up and then add their friends to whom they know. Have they ever thought of doing something unique on, if no then you should thing about this? Many people also use facebook for earning money and increasing their traffic of their website or a blog. The most interesting thing on facebook is making a page on facebook. Making a page on facebook is a simple task and is also done by some people. The advantage of making page on facebook is that your friends can become your fan directly and if you are a personality then your fans can like your page directly. There is no need of sending friends request to which your friends knows, they can directly like your page. The facebook page has many applications too that helps us to have more popularity. Well this was one thing that was that was creative and special between your friends on Internet. There are many more things that are mostly unknown by your friends and those sites are also very much good. Now you will know about the second thing that will make you more special between your friends on Internet.

Designing the writing text or animating it J

This is also very much interesting thing on internet and also something unique. Designing the writing text can also be done on Internet very easily. You can use the to design your text. The is a superb website that I like the most because it gives us something other difference to our texts. It makes our written text more beautiful and colourful you may be thinking that we can also design our text through MS office, yes we can also design our text through MS office but it will not give famous logo design and a flaming text in the format of .gif which will have some burning effect or the lighting effect and there are also many more designs you can write you want. So to use this flaming text have a visit here.

Upload your favourite video you want to be get popular between your friends

Uploading video is interesting thing I also like it too much. As uploaded videos allow us to share us information’s with our friends or any other people. So if you have a good video try uploading it on internet. There are many platforms on internet for uploading videos. The most famous platform for uploading videos is the YOUTUBE and the METCAFE. These two website are very much famous on internet for uploading videos. I like both of this website because it allows us to upload videos and share it with our friends. And it is a good idea to be become famous between your friends and it is also a good thing for making your time pass. So these two websites are the platforms for uploading videos on Internet so try uploading videos. Now the thing is that how can I upload the videos on these website and share it with my friends? Friends, don’t worry it’s really too easy to upload videos on internet on these websites. The entire things that you have to do are sign up for this website and create your account in this website that will allow you to access login in this website. And then you will have to click on the “upload video” that will be present on the page anywhere and then you will need to provide some information’s about the video that you are going to upload now and then you can easily watch your video. After uploading the video you will get a link of your video and that when you will paste that link at the place of the URL then you will watch the video that you have uploaded. So this is one more thing that you will get interesting and very good thing. Once more I am telling you those websites that will let you to upload videos and share it with your friends and family members, the websites are YOUTUBE and METCAFE.

Make your website or blog

Making a website or a blog is a very interesting thing that allows us to have a special and unique platform. Making a website is not a simple task it needs some kind of investment and if you want to make your free website then you do not need to invest any kind of money and it is also easy then making a website who is involving money. Well making a website makes a personality between our friends, and is also share our information’s directly from the visitor of your website. I like making websites and blogs. And I have many too. You can also make your website here on these websites –, etc. Or if you have any intention to make a free website then you can visit,, etc. This entire website will provide you to make your free website and you can also share it with your friends. You can also upload your snaps and videos on your website this will also let you to make your website more beautiful and the contents of your website can be shared with your friends easily.

Upload Your Snaps and share it with your friends

It is also an interesting thing that you can do and learn, it will also make you more popular between your friends. You can upload the snaps that you want and the share it’s links to your friends so that they can watch your snaps easily. Well this is a very interesting thing; there are many sites that provide you such kind of service where you can upload your snaps. The websites are, , etc. And you can also upload your snaps on the social networking websites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Flicker, etc. this will directly allow you to share the snaps with your friends. So also try this interesting thing on Internet and enjoy a lot.