Friday 28 October 2011

Best idea to save 90% downloading in torrents.

Friends, here you will know the best, excellent, awesome idea for saving the downloading while downloading anything from a torrent file in uTorrent or in BitTorrent. This is very much helpful for all the people as it saves a lot of MBs or sometime GBs while downloading anything from the internet with the help of the torrent files.

This idea is very much interesting and I have found this recently in an experiment of downloading movies with one of my friend. Well, I will be soon telling you this very much helpful and interesting idea. But before this I would like to ask you something important from you so that you can apply this in your computer with the help of the uTorrent software or any other software which enables us to download file from internet from the torrent file (having extension                name as “.torrent”)

Do you know “what is torrent?”

Torrent is a file which has an extension name .torrent and can be open through the uTorrent or BittTorrent software’s. This is very much useful software for us, as many of us are familiar with this software’s so no need of elaborating is briefly. This downloads almost 10 times faster than normal downloading from any popular websites directly. Well torrent is something that provides us the things that we need from internet illegally. Here illegally means not anything wrong but without the permission of the product owner that the product you are going to download from the internet. So the product is downloaded easily because there is not that much of traffic as we have on a popular websites.

You may have noticed that sometime you start downloading a song or any software from the website that have a lot of traffic at a time then your downloading gets stop and some time is gets stop for a long period of time. So we can call this that now the website is crashed from which you were to download a song or anything else. Any how this was all about the torrent. The next section is about the topic or the best idea that makes the downloading faster and also saves the downloading.

Save 50% downloading while downloading with torrent.

The main theme is to make you learn that when you download a file from torrent, for example you are downloading a movie from torrent. Suppose the movie is large in size (about 1GB) and you have only remained 600 MB in your internet pack downloading and you are also very much interested to download the movie.

You can do an interesting work that I have written in various points that you may understand after reading all the points.

1. The first work, start downloading the file as same as all files are downloaded in a torrent.

Above is an example you can see it for instance.

2. The next step is to let is download as much % you want to download the file in your computer or according to the downloading space left in your internet pack. And then you can click on the pause button or on the stop button on the top of the application or in menu bar.

3. Now there is a sending option which is the last button of the menu bar. Shown here 

This button enables you to send a torrent file through which you are downloading the movie or any kind of file.

4. Now after you click on the send button then a new menu will appear like this –

5. Click on the “Get Link” option as shown on the figure which has boundary with blue colour.

6. Again a new window will appear which looks like this –  

Here you need to click on the “Copy” button above the Done Button and then you need to share the link as this has created a torrent file to share the link. Only you have to do is to copy the link below to share the torrent that you have just created.

7. As you have send the torrent file after creating it, but is will action if your computer and uTorrent bust be on and serving you content at the time somebody is downloading it.

8. Now in the torrents tab (the main page of torrent which shows the download %) right click on the torrent file and the there will be option in the second line that is “Open Containing Folder”.

9. This will open the folder where it is being downloaded and then you need to do copy the folder in a pen drive and in any kind of data sharing content.

10. Now you can give it to any of your friends to whom you have shared the torrent file that you have created above.

11. Your friend or anyone to whom you have given the content downloaded from torrent will copy the folder in the same folder where the torrent downloads the contents.

12. And then resume the torrent file downloading that you have send to your friend. Then it will start from 0% but soon it reaches to that much of % which has been already copied in your computer. Below is a short example which will make you understand all in a short.

For Instance,

I am downloading a movie which has a sixe of 1.2GB and I want to download only half of the movie in my computer and the remaining half will be downloaded in my friends computer so that I can take the  complete movie with my friend by saving my downloading in my internet pack. Now I have started the downloading and the downloading is completed almost 50% and then I have stop downloading the movie in my computer. Now I have given the torrent file to my friend through which I was downloading the movie by sending option in the uTorrent. And then I give the content that I have downloaded from torrent file to my friend by copying it in my pen drive and then he also copy the content from my pen drive, to the folder where the torrent content are downloaded in his computer and then he resumed the downloading in his computer through the torrent file. Now the downloading will start from the 0% and then in few seconds it reached to 50% as I have downloaded first 50% in my computer before. So it continues to be downloading full and now we get a complete movie by downloading half in my computer and half in my friend computer. I have downloaded 600MB of the movie and the remaining 600MB has been downloaded by my friend. And thus, in this way you can also save 90% downloading in torrents.

Now you can see how amazing this method was. This helps us in many ways so I will also suggest doing this process once with your friend or anyone.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Top 6 Searching Tips and learn the art of framing search queries.

Top 6 Searching Tips, which will make you, learn the art of framing search queries. 

1. Do not ask questions while searching any kind of information. For example – if you want to find about the richest person in the world and you should not type

“Who is the richest person in the world? “

In this manner you are asking a question and then you may get many lists of your searches and the most are the useless. Do you why does this happen? Friends, as I told you above that how search engine works, it works by searching for each word in the search box that you have written separately. That is in case you searching will search all the words that you have written for searching and thus you will not get the proper match to you search and then you will fail in getting the proper information on the internet.

2. As we are familiar with that how does the search engine works, it works by searching all words in different sentences on the internet as explained in the above point. So it is quite difficult to obtain the accurate result for our searching queries. So an important thing to search a sentence on internet with the help of search engine you can put “+” sign in front of every word so that it will search as the whole sentence on internet. For example –

then your search engine will search for all the words present in this sentence and thus you will be unsuccessful to get a helpful answer for you from the search engine. So you will have to search this sentence by putting a sign of + before all the words this like this

+Top +information’s +for +making +money +on +Internet +100% +guaranteed +and +true…” and this will give you an answer which match all the words in a single sentence.

3. Friends, above was the example to search the sentence which contain all the words written by us in the search queries. Now you will see opposite of it. You can also specify that word or phrase must not appear in matched documents means the sentence for which you are searching for should not match all the words in a single sentence. For example if you want to search about country “ India and US” and you don’t want the these words should match the sentence which contain both the word India and US then you can put a sign (-), which is a minus sign and this will led you to search your queries in different sentence. Or in simple words it means then sentence you are searching should not contain the words in same sentence. And one more important thing is that you should put the minus (-) sign immediately before the word. An example is given below –

“+India – US” then there will separate both the words in the search queries.

4. To search and get the accurate result from your search engine you can put your words or the sentence for which you are searching in some kind of sign or in some quotes, you can also put some punctuation mark (;-) if you want to be treated as single phrase rather than series of individual search terms. Here is an example that will make you clear this

If you want search for the a title of a famous movie “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” then you can search it in your search engine like this –

“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow”

Or Harry - Potter - and - the - Deathly - Hallows

Or Harry; Potter; and; the; Deathly; Hallows

This will make your search more exactly.

5. Now you should know about the case – sensitive or not case – sensitive. The lower case words like “amit” matches are not at all case – sensitive and on the other hand the upper case words are case – sensitive which makes your search exactly. For example if you want to search for “programming” then you can have problem in getting the accurate answer because it will match with all those words which start from programme or programmes or pro or gram or programming, So there are more chances of getting inexact answer in this case.

And if you write “PROGRAMMING” then it will only search the word which contain the word “PROGRAMMING” thus it will search the accurate word that you need.

6. Now one more important thing is that is very necessary for you to know and that is using the wildcard (*) for pattern matching. Below I have given an example that will make you clear and help you to become a perfect searching master.

If you want search for anything that starting from pro, then you can write “pro*” in your searching place or box of your search engine and then this will make you to get all those results that starts from the word pro. There are many words which start from the pro for example – programme, programmes, programming language and a lot. So you will get all the relevant options for your search queries. This type of style can be used when you don’t know the exact spelling of the word for which you are going to search. So this was all about the searching and becoming perfect in searching the information in the search engine.

Now you will get me again with some interesting information about the internet in the next post of my blog. Hope this article must have helped you.

Monday 3 October 2011

All about Search Engines And Finding information’s…

Search Engines – Many people use internet to access information by knowing the website address known to you. And what about to those websites that are unknown from you? And if you don’t know that which website will provide you the information that you are required. In this case you need to take help of those search engines on internet which provide you to search information on the internet. So it is done through the search engines, a programme used for searching information on the internet. There are many search engines on the internet; I have given some examples below of some search engines.

10 Popular Search Engines

6. Infoseek            
7. Lycos


9. Searchqu       

Finding information using search engines

As I have mentioned above that there are many search engines on the internet. And I have also given many examples of search engines.  For searching information the process is similar in all the search engines.

Now we will start by choosing Google ( as a searching engine which is one of the most popular search engines on internet.

3 Steps to search any information on the internet.

1. Go to the home page of the search engine (

2. Type the information in the box like structure that you will see on the page.

3. Now click on search button next or below to it. Now it will display you the list of links to the webpage, which are linked to your given information in just a few seconds.

Do you know How Search Engines Works?

The working of the search engines involve the following 3 elements that I have mentioned below.

Spiders or Webcrawler or Bots or Agents – The search engines use software called or known as Spiders or Webcrawler or Bots or Agents or Robot which combs the internet looking for the documents or the page and their web addresses. The Spiders or Webcrawler performs the methodical searches needed to find information which we have searched.
 The bots or spiders are given direction by the search engine and they crawl from one server to another, compiling the huge lists of URLs which are based upon the directions given by the search engines. So this is one of the main elements of a search engine.

Indexing software and database – The lists of documents and web addresses are collected by the bots and are sent to the indexing software. The indexing software extracts information from the documents and web addresses, prepares on the index of it and stores in a database.
The kind of the information that gets or indexed are based upon the particular search engine for example if you will go for searching “Amit Upadhyay” in Google Search engine then you will meet all the latest updated on internet about Amit Upadhyay but when you will search it in other search engines which is generated newly may show some other result from the result of the Google and otherwise it may also not show you any relevant result related to Amit Upadhyay. Some index every word in the document: or the other may index the document title only.

Search Algorithm – When you perform any kind of search by entering keywords’, the search engine software searches its database in which indexing software stores its entries using a particular search method called search algorithm. And then it displays the matching documents or web addresses.

This is all the working of a search engine or how a search engine works.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Various things the internet can be used for!!

Research and Home network

The Internet is a beautiful place to research information’s for a project or piece of homework. It does not matter the topic you are searching or what thing you are searching for, you can guarantee that you will find something on the subject topic. It is the best place for searching any kind of information’s with the help of some kind of websites.

The internet shopping is also known as e-commerce and it is very much useful for us. Whatever you want to buy you can buy it with saving you time and very much easily.

Internet is also used for communication with someone or our family members or with our friends. The Internet gives us many different types of ways through we can communicate and communication can be done some of the ways I have listed below.

It is the abbreviation of Electronic mail. The most widely used tool on the internet, almost all people use the email for their work who know something about the internet. Email is used to send written messages between our friends, family members or individuals. Emails are generally sent from some or receive by someone through the webhost who provides us such kind of service.

Forums –  it can also be used for the forums purpose.

Blogs – there are many blogs on internet that provide us information and it is very much useful for us there are very much functioning of blogs that you can know here only on this blog. (Search for blogs in the website) or visit here.

VoIP – VoIP are the internet telephones provided by different kind of services on internet.

Chat –This is the most important thing on the internet and everyone like this even I am also very much interesting in chat with my friends, and it can be done with various methods on internet for more information about chat visit here.

Social networking Sites –the most wanted thing by the new generation to communicate with their friends. There are many websites which provide us the social networking accounts for example – Facebook, twitter, MySpace etc.

Playing online games - Playing games online is most liked by the children who are growing. There are many websites that enable us to play game online. Playing games is most liked by children and it is so much popular to make someone time pass. To play games online you can have help of search engines or visit here.

listening to music or downloading - Listening music on internet is very much interesting task and downloading is the most popular things on the internet. Downloading music enables us to listen song when we are out of connection of the internet. To know the best websites to download music you can have a visit here.

reading online books - Reading online books are very much easy and wonderful it gives us a new world and also a new thinking, it changes our world for some time and give us a wonderful experience. It is very easy and can be done in many ways. The most popular way to do this is using Google books to read. You can read Google books here.

watching videos online-  Watching videos online is very interesting and it very much popular too. There are many websites which provides us videos to watch. The most famous website is "" and then there are many more websites on the internet that enable us to upload video or watch video.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Top information’s for Making money on Internet 100% guaranteed and true..

Top information’s for Making money on Internet 100% guaranteed and true...

This post is somewhat longer; I added links to different sections of this article, so you can easily skip ahead to the section you want…

  • Making Money on Internet Introduction
  • Get ready to make money on Internet
  • You can also do it with
  • Writing articles
  • Designing
  • Increasing Traffic
  • Publishing ads networks
  • Affiliate marketing programmes
  • Sell your blog or website

So start your self here and read everything one after one...

Making money on Internet is very exciting thing and also liked by everyone. Many people wants to earn money from Internet but about 90% of them remain unsuccessful because making money on Internet is not an easy task. There are a lot of ways to make money on Internet, as Internet is an exciting medium allowing us to access to information on many topics, to communicate with our friends and business, providing us a lot of facilities like shopping, ticket booking etc. So here people can also earn money with using their skills and techniques. There are a lot of ways to earn money one internet. The best way to earn money on Internet is to earn money from a website or a blog. The website and the blog are different from each other. The blog is usually free of cost and is managed by a single people. Or a website is not free of cost, it requires some money to make a website and the money depends on the webhost of your website from where you buy your domain name. Anyhow many people move to earn money from the blog, as it is free of cost. But note that before starting here to earn money from blog or a website you will have to be attention and do not take it casually because it is very hard. And only do this if you are sure that you can do hard work.

So, if you are ready to start your first step towards earning money online with a website or a blog then my best wishes are with you.
The first step that you should do is “select that from which one you want to earn money either from a website or from a blog”. I would prefer you that start your first step with a blog that is free of cost. Now you need a platform that from where you will make your blog. There are many websites that make our blog free of cost. I would prefer you to use the or to make your free blog. There are many more websites that makes free blog like – , etc. Now after visiting here all you need to do is to register on these websites and make your free blog. But note that making free blog will not provide you your if will be something like, or these address does not look very much professional but it’s good because free is never better. Or if you want your then you will have to pay some rent for it. And you can also buy your at these websites also or the will charge you only $10 for a year or the will charge you $17 for a year. You can select any one of these both website. But the is much better than There is one more option for you if you are willing to make a website, I would suggest you to buy a domain name of cheap cost and you can buy your own domain name at a small cost on, etc. These websites is the cheapest for buying a domain name. And if you have no experience of having a website or if you have not managed a website before then it will be better for you if you use free website. Actually a website is something hard to manage in the comparison of a blog. A website will have some now things that is necessary to be understand so I will prefer you to use free website in which free control panel is provided with database. If you are going to buy your own then it will be something difficult to manage it. So if you are interested in making your website or to earn from your website then buying the domain name was the first step. If you are thinking that buying your own domain name is enough then here you are wrong. So if you had bought your domain name like then the second step that you will have to do is that you will have to map your own domain to your hosting server and then you can create your own website which will be accessible using

 While selecting the hosting server I would prefer you to use There is a special thing in HostGator that is you can make install your wordpress blog theme directly in it, and it is also the cheapest hosts. Friends, don’t think that this is only a webhosting server, there are many more hosting server like –, DreamHost, MediaTemple etc.
You can also create website using joomla, wordpress using one click installer.

For Example: Fantistico, This way you will have your and you can now start doing whatever you want to do. Anyhow we were on the topic earning money from website or blog. So if you have your own blog or website then you will need to write some contents in it.

Now after making your own website or blog you have to write articles or posts on it. This is the most difficult part of making a blog to earn money. Before writing articles you have to select a single and a better topic for your blog on which you know the best and write a lot of contents on your blog. Content writing is most important, If you want to earn money from your blog. And if you have good contents on your blog there will be more chance to get selected in those earning money programmes from blog. And it will also let to the traffic of your blog. As more as the traffic of your blog or website increases the more chance is developed to earn money. So write more positive contents as much as possible and always give the write information on your website. If you are making your blog to earn money then your will have to be attention and do not copy and paste articles on your website or blog. If you will copy and paste your website or blog contents then you will not be able to get selected in publishing ads networks that provides much earning to the blog. Always write original contents don’t write fake contents. There are many ads publishing networks like Google AdSence, Chitika, Clicksor, Bidvertiser, and a lot of websites that provides us earning through publishing ads on our websites. Here is Google adsence which is a very famous and very big publishing programme this programme does not accept such websites which have copy pasted content, fake content or having any type of adult contents. So if you want to make your blog to earn from Google AdSence then you have to save you blog contents from these things. Making your website or blog contents to earn money you have to write at list 15-20 posts on your blog and every post must be written within same period of time. For example if you have a blog created in May 2010 and you have written 20 posts in the month of May after that you have stopped writing posts for a long period of time and again written 25 posts in the month of April 2011 then there will be some difficulty to make your blog select in some good ads publishing networks.

So write only original contents on your blog if you want to earn money from your blog. I had already told you that earning money from blog is not very easy. I would suggest you to write on the topic which are famous and which are searched very much by everyone like – study material, games, movies, songs, jobs, earning money etc. When you will choose the topics from those that are listed above then there would be more chance to get traffic on your blog or website.


Now if you have completed writing articles on your website then you have to design it with different web designing tools like HTML, CSS etc. If you are using a blog then there will be some gadgets that will help you to look your blog more professional and beautiful. And if you are willing to accept your blog in Google AdSence programme then you website or blog should comply the Google webmaster tools. Designing a website is also one of the difficult parts to make a successful blog or website to earn money. To design your website all you need to do is learn the web programming language. In learning web programming language you will have to learn the basic HTML, CSS, MySql, Database, PHP etc. To learn all these web programming language you can visit here. This blog is an awesome blog containing all information about web programming language; you can get training for free here its awesome blog.

Increasing Traffic

After designing your blog or website one more step you should do that is increasing the traffic of your website or blog. Traffic means the visitors who visit you website or blog. It is also the important part for making a website or blog to earn money. The more people visit your website or blog the more traffic is increased and the more you earn money. An example is here – If your blog or website has publishing ads networks like Google ads or any other ads. Then a visitor visit your blog or website and get something interesting in the ads of your website and he clicked on the ad of your website then you will get some commission, this way your earning is also made and the visitors will be happy and visits your blog many times or he will tell his friends about your blog. So if the traffic of your website or blog is good then you can earn a lot of money. There are many ways to increase the traffic of your website or blog. You may do partnership with many other websites to publish a link of your website on his website and in revenge you will also have to publish a link of his website on your website or blog, this way is free of cost. Or otherwise you can also advertise your website on the Google or on many other advertising networks. To advertise your website on Google you will have to sign up for the Google Adward here and in this way your website will be listed on Google pages or on other websites who are publishing ads on their website by participating in Google AdSence programme. And there are many more advertising networks like,,, etc. And also note that these website also provide publishing space for publishers to earn money.

Now it’s chance to come on “earning money with your website or blog”. There are a lot of ways to earn money from the website or a blog. The first way I would prefer you is to participate in publishing ads networks. The publishing ads networks allow us to publish ads of other website on our website or blog and this way you can earn money by getting click on the ads of your website or blog. Whenever a visitor come to your website or blog and click on the ads of your website then you will get some revenue for it. And the revenue is depended on web publishing network. There are a lot of website which allow us to publish ads and to earn money, some of such website are Google AdSence,,,,,,,,,,, and many more. The best publishing ads network I will prefer you is the Google AdSence. Well it is very difficult to get selected for Google AdSence but you can do it by just doing some hard work with your website or blog. Google Adsence is awesome publishing ad network, it is a CPC ad network, and it pays the publisher some commission of that revenue which the advertisers pay them. You can withdraw the amount you have earned when your account balance will reach $100. It also places the ads on our website according to the contents of our website. If you are blogger user then you can display the Google ads on the side, bottom and top of your webpage with the help of gadgets, it’s really very nice place for the ads. I would also prefer you another Ad publishing network that you can use with the Google AdSence ads that is Chitika. This also allows us to publish ads on our website or blog and it is also good ad publishing network. It has two stages, first is the silver level ads and the second is the golden level ads. The golden level ads are much better than the silver level ads and it also gives much earning in the comparison of the silver level ads. But it is somewhat difficult to be getting selected in golden level ads. If you get selected in the golden level ads then you can have some special ads from other countries which provides a lot of earning if one the ad of your website get clicked. When you will apply for chitika as a publisher then it will reply you on your Email within 2-5 days. And in this Email you will get to know that whether your blog or website has been selected for publishing ads programme or not. So, if once your blog or website will be selected then it’s a nice chance for you to earn money. And if you have not been selected in these ads publishing programme then you can try for other ads publishing programmes that are listed above.
Now this was only the way to earn money by publishing ads on our website or blog. There are also many more programmes through you can earn money. You can participate on affiliate marketing programmes.

Affiliate marketing programmes is the programme in which we have to make a costumer for buying anything or any product of the other website from our website or blog. Means we have to refer a people to buy this thing from our website and in this way the product owner will give some amount of commission that the product buyer gives him. The marketing can be done for anything for example for buying Software’s, Games, Tickets, Buying flat, Books, Going to any tour etc. And now you may be thinking that from where we get the platform to do this marketing. There are many websites which provides the service for affiliate marketing some examples of such websites are Amazon’s Affiliate, Link connector, HYaffiliate, ClickBank, HotelCombined, Google Affiliate Programme, Flexoffers, etc. All these websites have good affiliate marketing programme you can also earn from these websites. Here the Google Affiliate Programme is also and good affiliate programme but it only select those websites which have already been selected in the Google AdSence programme. Without having a Google AdSence email you can’t participate in this Google Affiliate Programme. So make your website as better so that it can be selected in Google AdSence Programme then you can enjoy earning money from the Google Affiliate Programme. So this was all about the affiliate programming, you can also do much more to earn money from you blog or website.

Sell your blog or website
Selling a blog or website is also a simple way to earn money very soon. In selling your website or blog you will have to make a perfect blog or website so that it can be liked by the blog buyer or the website buyer. If you are selling your blog then it should be liked by the website to which you are selling. There are some requirements that you should complete to sell your blog or website. The requirements depend on the website which is going to buy your blog or website. There are many websites who buy the blog or website some example of such website are,,,,,,, etc. These websites buy the best blogs to gives us revenue for our blog. The and gives us money on per post of our blog. These are nice blog buying websites but there are some requirements that you should complete to sell your blog. Some of them need the Paypal email id for the transfer of money to us. And the money that you will get after selling your blog depends on your blog. If your blog is very nice then you will get big amount of money if not then you will get small amount of money or if your blog is too bad then they can also reject your blog. I would say that you should only sell your blog if you are getting unable to earn money from all these steps that I have listed above.

Thank's for Reading it. Hope this article must have helped you.

Saturday 13 August 2011

Google Translate; Write in Different 64 Languages of world. Have you used yet?

Welcome friends, here is the most interesting thing that you will must like. But before proceeding I would like to ask you that

Can you write directly in any language of the world?

Can you listen any language directly in which you want to listen want?

Can you “Read phonetically” in any language you want?

Simply can you translate any language in that language you want?

If you are able to answer all these questions then it is very much good. But many of the answers from you will be no. Because all these things you have to do on Internet, not my using any kind of software or installing it. All these things can be done simple on internet. So you may think that how much interesting it would be. And you can do it easily with the Google Translate.

 I also like Google Translate very much. The Google Translate it is a very much interesting thing and also very much knowledgeable for us. You should also use the Google translate to know about all the languages on the internet. Do you know that the Google translate provide you to convert the language into 64 different languages of the world. The internet has a lot of interesting thing. This is also a very interesting thing by Google. This is used to translate the other languages into those languages which we know appropriately. It is very good. Here is a video which will help you to success in this process of translating from the starting point to the last point. So must watch this video.

Now here I have listed all things by step to step that will help you to do this.

First step is to visit here. And then there will be seen a page like this image-

There are two options at the top of the page one is “From” and the second is “To” so here you have to select the language from which you want to convert the language and in “To” you have to select the language in which you want to convert the language. So it’s very simple to use. I will suggest you to do this work now if you have not done it before.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

How To Note Your Website Visitors, Total Visits or Online People, Site Hits?

Friends, so here we will again discuss on a new topic the topic is already mentioned above as the title of the post. You will know here that how to have a website hit counter on your website. This can only be done if you have a website or a simple page on Internet. You can have your website or page very easily. To make your website you can have a visit here on the other post of this blog here. This post will provide you information’s about making your website or a blog. Now if your want to do this experiment on a page then you can also do it by visiting here. This place will provide you to make your free page at Google and this is very interesting with many exiting features, I like making such kind of pages at Google. Well after visiting here follow the guidelines and then you can make your page free of cost and this will also provide you to do work with the site hit counter.

Now if you have owned your page or website then you can easily do it. Here you will know about a website through which you can do it very easily. The website is this will provide you a site hit counter on your website and to get all you need to do it to paste the code given by then on your website. After pasting the code on your website, blog or page you will get the site hit counter at your website or page. So overall it’s very easy to do all you need to sign up for the website here. And after following the steps suggested by them you can easily have your own site hit counter at your website or your page. So you have got it very easily. Now if you want to do this task very easily on blogger then also you can do it.

Install your site hit counter at your blogger blog.

Inserting the site hit counter at blogger is very easy it involves nothing all you need to so it just inserts a gadget in your blogger blog. If you are a blogger user then you should have known about the features of the blogger and its gadgets. It is very simple to insert the gadget in your blogger blog all you need to do it just go to Dashboard then Design and then Add a Gadget not you will see a new tab occurred like this

And then if it is not adder in your blog then you will not need to click on the + button at right site or it will not be shown. But if it is not added then you need to click on the + button at the right side to add the gadget. So you have done it and learnt that how to add site hit counter at your website, blog or page, best of luck.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Must have a free platform for training before making your own paid website.

Welcome to this post of my blog. Well this post contains information’s and learning “for making a free blog or site that will help you to learn and get ready to make your own website or blog.” It may have some risk if you make your paid website or blog without having training of making some free blog or website. So why to have some risk. Here is example that how is risky for you – If you don’t have any experience before making a website and you have buy your own domain name by paying money. Then your money will be wasted because making a website for your own or for earning money is not an easy task. There are many steps that you should do to have experience of making a beautiful website. Before making your own paid website or blog, you will have to take training on the other websites that provides a free service of making a free website or a free blog.

Making a free website

Well making a free website is not risky because here we are not involving our money. And it is free of cost. But making a free website or a free blog doesn’t provide a good domain name or your own domain name like it will provide some different king of website or a blog address. It has also some fewer features and fewer options in the comparison of a paid website. But as it is free of cost so it is better, well here you will learn about controlling and managing the database. But this option is only provided in those webhost which provides control panel in it. And control panel is not found in every websites that provides a free of cost websites. There are only some few websites which provides control panel hosting for free, but these are also not having much features. There is a list of those websites which provides a free website with the control panel.

Well these are the websites which provides a free website with control panel. See how interesting it is for making a free website. You just need to signup of anyone of these and do the provided suggesting then you can have your own free website. You can here choose your first name of the website address and the last name will be given by the website after a dot (.). For example – if you are signing up on the then you will get the website address like this “ you can replace the name amitupadhyay with anything you want because this was just an example to show you that which type of website address you will get by signing up for making a free website. Well this is a better way to have a experience to make a website. In the way that I have listed above doesn’t provide the website access directly there you will have to make your account in any of the three website that I have listed above and then after proceeding towards to the next step they will give you a username to have access in your control panel account and then you will have to login in there then you can launce your free website and manage your database and so on. You can also convert it into the pro after having the experience of making and designing a website, and then you can also make you email id like it’s always depend on your web host.

Well this was the way for making a website through a control panel access now friends, do you know that there are many more ways to make a free website directly and editing it easily. And friends while making such websites you not many need any type of special kind of web programming language to edit it. It is very simple to make a free website and launce it and also editing is also very simple. The websites which provides such kind of services are given below.

And so on. I have also many such type of website. One example of my website in is this website has been created in the May of 2010. And it has some of my snaps. Well it doesn’t allow us to edit through HTML and other web programming language without converting it into the paid version. is also a very good website to make a free website. I like it because it has a lot of themes and designs, which make our website to look better. I have also been experienced to it. Not only this, I have made at most more than 20 free websites in different types of websites which provides a service to make a free website. It has been a very well experience for me. I have many free websites. Well I will not prefer you to join these types of websites to make your free website because these websites doesn’t train us in the right manner so that we can become capable to make our paid website. So go with the first method that I have mentioned above, to have a perfect training for making a website. And there are many more options to learn making a website that are having a coaching at someplace this will involve some money. But as we all know that “something is to be losing to gain anything”.

Friends, we know that making a blog can also profit us in earning money. But don’t think that making a blog to earn money is very easy, because it involves a lot of things to make a perfect blog so that you can earn money easily. Well you need some platform to have a free blog. Those are.

These two websites are very much famous for making a free blog. It is very much features and popular also, there are many people who have their own free blog. So this is the right place for you to have a training to make your free blog. So enjoy these websites by making your free blog. After making your blog and writing articles in it, you will get some experience that will help you to make a beautiful blog.